查经小组/Bible Study Groups
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八福小组/Central Group
八福小组主要由空巢家庭组成。大部分是基督徒,也有幕道朋友 。有人忙碌于实室和公司。有会计师,工程师,科学家,也有全职妈妈,退休人员。聚会形式为线上 Zoom。大家在一起诗歌赞美,查考圣经,分享见证,感恩祷告。领受神的话语,坚固信仰,探讨人生。不定期有线下聚会,美食分享,平时也在家庭,工作和退休生活等各方面相互帮助与勉励。时间: 每周六晚 7点。
Central Group primarily is formed by "empty nest" families. Most of us are at the "golden" age, near or after retirement. We hold a variety of jobs, as well as home making. We meet on Zoom to sing hymns, study Bible, watch videos, pray and share. We also meet in person periodically to have a potluck and share testimony. We are striving to bear one another's burdens, celebrate each other's joys, and most importantly, discuss and apply God's word to our lives.
Meeting Time: 7:00 pm, every Saturday
丰盛小组/Abundant Life Group
主耶稣来是要叫人得生命,并且得的更丰盛(约: 10:10)。丰盛小组目前主要有70后和80后的家庭组成,上有40后50后的父母辈,下有00后10后的孩子们。我们热切地欢迎各个年龄段的没答应或基督徒加入,彼此帮助扶持,共同在主内成长,仰望神丰盛的恩典,得着祂所应许的丰盛生命。时间:每周五晚上。
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10). Most of families in our group are in their 30's and 40"s with young chilren or teenagers. Some also have parents living with them. Abundant Life Group welcome families and friends of all ages to join us, whether you are a Christian or are still seeking. Let's help each other, and grow in Him together. Looking up to God's adundant grace and receive proimised abundant life in Him.
恩典喜乐小组/Grace Group
恩典喜乐小组主要 由家中有大学生的家庭组成。 计划于每周六晚上7:30 聚会。
Grace Group has mainly families with college students or graduates. We plan to meet every Saturday at 7:30 pm. Welcome to join our group.
盐与光团契/Salt & Light Fellowship
耶稣说: ‘你们是世上的盐, 你们是世上的光。“(太5:13-14)盐与光团契主要有职青群体组成。我们每周五晚 6:30 聚会.求主帮助我们,彼此造就,一起成长,为主做盐做光。
Jesus said: "You are the salt of the earth, Your are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-14). The Salt & Light Fellowship is primarily composed of young professionals. We meet every Friday at 6:30 pm. We ask the Lord to help us build each other up, grow together, and be the salt and light for the Lord.
校园团契/Campus Fellowship
校园团契, 又称快乐小羊团契,主要由 Notre Dame 和 IUSB 的大学生组成。我们一般在周五晚上 6:30 聚会查经。我们每个月还有一次 potluck 聚餐,不但分享各地美食,也有娱乐活动。欢迎您加入我们一起学习,讨论圣经。希望我们能成为朋友!
Campus Fellowship is a group of students from both Notre Dame University and IU South Bend. We meet and study Bible every Friday (6:30pm). Once every month, we also have a potluck dinner to share homemade cuisines and have some fun activities.
青少年小组/Youth Group
Our youth group mainly serves middle schoolers, high schoolers and college students who speaks English. Youth group meets on Friday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. the main purpose of our gathering is to help more youths know God, fear God and obey God.