教会历史/Church History
1980 年代, 圣母大学学生团契和 Elkhart 查经小组先后成立。1991年6月萌生建立华人教会的提议。 1991年9月为计划成立 MCCC 开始两周一次的祷告会, 并举行每月一次的布道聚会。1992年5月教会成立,借用 Gospel Center 教堂开始每周一次的主日崇拜。2003年3月购买现址教堂,于9月开始在本堂的第一次敬拜。
Bible Study groups in Elkhart and Notre Dame campus were formed separately in 1980s. The planting of a Chinese Christian Church started in mid-1991, followed by bi-weekly preyer meetings and monthly evengelical meetings. MCCC was established in May 1992 and began its weekly worship by borrowing a hall in the Gospel Center Missionary Church. In September 2003, MCCC purchased and moved into its current facility.
教会架构/Church Organization
教会设立有崇拜,教育,宣教关怀,行政,财务等多个部门。由会众推选出相关的执事和同工分别负责各部门事工, 并带领弟兄姐妹同心事奉主。
Church consists of worship, education, mission and care, general affairs and finance ministries. Deacons elected by the congregation oversee various responsibilities within the church, and guide brothers and sisters to server the Lord together.
教会宗旨/Church Purpose
联合基督徒崇拜神,实践基督徒生活,宣扬耶稣基督的救恩,推动南湾地区针对华人福音工作,以致个人及家庭都能够得到全备的救恩, 扩展神的国度,将福音普及到全世界,迎接主的再来。 The purpose of the church is to unite Christians in the worship of Jesus Christ our God, encourage members to live a Christian life, proclaim Christ's grace through His salvation, and share the Gospel among Chinese in Michiana, so that these individuals, along with theri families, can gain complete salvation., expand the kingdom of God to all the world, and receive Christ's second coming.