2014 Sermons
日期 Date 讲员 Speaker 证道题目 Sermon title 圣经章节 Bible Verse 音响格式
Audio Format
12-28-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Through crisis, we establish the faith of ‘God is with us’
马可福音 Mark 4:35-41 wma
12-21-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Was Jesus really born at my home ?
路加福音 Luke 2:22-33 wma
12-14-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 极大地超过我们所求所想
Immeasurably More Than We Ask or Imagine
以弗所书 Ephesians 3:20-21 wma
12-07-2014 張正義長老
Elder Daniel Dew
多 __ __ 能 __
M_ _ t_t__k__g
路加福音 Luke 10:38-42 wma
11-30-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Thanksgiving and Sacrifice
历代志下 2 Chronicles 7:16-20 wma
11-23-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 不可思议的工作方式
A Weird Way of Working
诗篇 Psalm 103:1-5 wma
11-16-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Abraham as Seen by the Mysterious Melchizedek
创世记 Genesis 14:17-24 wma
11-09-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 感谢的态度
An Attitude of Gratitude
歌罗西书 Colossians 2:6-7; 3:15-17; 4:2 wma
11-02-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The Loving Relationship is the Foundation of Church Life
腓立比书 Philippians 1:3-8 wma
10-26-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 我是可怜虫。 Poor Me! 诗篇 Psalm 73:2-5; 12-14 wma
10-19-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 不是我的错。 It's Not My Fault 创世记 Genesis 3:8-13 wma
10-12-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The Assurance of Trusting Jesus Christ and the Boundary
约翰一书 1 John 5:13-21 wma
10-05-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The Wisdom and Courage in Commitment to Serve God
尼希米记 Nehemiah 2:1-9 wma
09-28-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon 回应而不是反应
I will Respond Instead of React
马太福音 Matthew 5:38-46 wma
09-21-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
An Awesome Life of Submission to Servanthood
尼希米记 Nehemiah 1:1-11 wma
09-14-2014 Pastor Stephen Runyon __________________________
The _______From _______to ________
诗篇 Psalm 20:7-8; 31:13-14; 56:3-4; 约翰福音John 14:1 wma
09-7-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Receiving God’s Disguised Blessing through Experiencing Pains
创世记 Genesis 32:22-32 wma
08-31-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
(Fall retreat Theme): 谦卑顺服的最高榜样
The Best Example of Humbleness and Obedience
腓立比书 Philippians 2:5-11 off site, no recording
08-24-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon “______the ‘___’ Out of __________” 路加福音 Luke 10:30-37 wma
08-17-2014 張正義長老
Elder Daniel Dew
Spiritual Lessons from the Fisherman
雅各书 James 1:2-4 wma
08-10-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Love What God Loves”
约翰一书 1 John 2:15-17 recoding error
08-03-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
教会敬拜生活的秩序(下) 教会中敬虔女子的美德
The Order of Church Worship Life(2) - The Virtue of Godly Women in Church
提摩太前书 1 Timothy 2:8-15 wma
07-27-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon “调整我们的心态” 系列
The series on "Adjusting Our Attitudes"
提摩太前书 1 Timothy 6:6-11 wma
07-20-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yangg
教会敬拜生活的秩序(上) 普世福音性的祷告
The Order of Church Worship Life(1) - Global Evangelistic Prayers
提摩太前书 1 Timothy 2:1-7 wma
07-13-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon 象耶稣一样活着 Live Like Jesus
(reporting of the youth mission trip)
使徒行传 Acts 13:2-5; 4:26-27 no recording
07-06-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
To be a Good Testimony for the Salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ
提摩太前书 `1 Timothy 1:12-17 wma
06-29-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
对于 ‘律法’ 的认知 The Cognition of the Law 提摩太前书 `1 Timothy 1:6-11 wma
06-22-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
对于 ‘'爱’' 的认知 The Cognition of Love 提摩太前书 1 Timothy 1:3-5 wma
06-15-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon 培养我们的孩子们 Training Our Children 箴言 Proberbs 22:1-6 wma
06-8-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The Disciples’ Spiritual Path Following the Lord Jesus
约翰福音 John 1:35-39 wma
06-1-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon “ ? ” 以弗所书 Mark 4:29-32 wma
05-31-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Message for "A Journey of Faith”concert by Chicago Chinese
Christian Chorale and Michiana Chinese Christian Church
05-25-2014 潘文发 牧师
Rev. Albert Pua
一粒麦子 A kernel of Wheat 约翰福音 John 12:20-28 wma
05-18-2014 張正義長老
Elder Daniel Dew
Understanding the Meaning of ‘The Church’ and Commitment of Church Membership
05-11-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
小女人的信心所彰显的大智慧 A Little Woman with Great Wisdom 马可福音 Mark 7:24-30 wma
05-04-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon I ____Get ___- I____Get 罗马书 Romans 12:17-21 wma
04-27-2014 張正義長老
Elder Daniel Dew
普利姆索尔线 Plimsoll Lines 耶利米书 Jeremiah 9:23-24 No recording
04-20-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The resurrection of Lord Jesus -It completely changes the meaning of death to human beings
马太福音 Matthew 27:46 No recording
04-13-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon “我以后会做这件事”, “I Can Do It Later” 马太福音 Matthew 2:1-8, 15-16 wma
04-06-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
士师时代的以色列人 The israel in the Judges Times 士师记 Judges 3:7-11 wma
03-30-2014 潘文发 牧师
Rev. Albert Pua
主知道 The Lord Knows 诗篇 Psalms 23 wma
03-23-2014 范学得 弟兄
Brother Fan Xuede
当守安息日 We Should Keep the Sabbath 出埃及记 Exodus 20:1-17
03-16-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice
撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 15:23-24
03-9-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
The Reasonable Service of Christians
罗马书 Romans 12:1-2
03-2-2014 Rev. Stephen Runyon 调整我们的心态
Adjustiing Our Attitudes
以弗所书 Ephesians 4: 17-24
02-23-2014 潘文发 牧师
Rev. Albert Pua
The Full Savior
歌罗西书 Colossians 1: 15-22
02-16-2014 范学得 弟兄
Brother Fan Xuede
Do Not Worship Idols
出埃及记 Exodus 20:1-17
02-09-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
Moses' Inferority, humility or avoid to Excuse to Divine Calling?
出埃及记 Exodus 3: 11, 13; 4: 1, 10, 13
02-02-2014 Rev Stephen Runyon 你手里是什么? What Is in Your Hand? 出埃及记 Exodus 4:2-4
no recording
01-26-2014   Snow day, service canceled
01-19-2014 范学得 弟兄
Brother Fan Xuede
You shall have no other gods befor me
出埃及记 Exodus 20:2-4
01-12-2014 Rev Stephen Runyon

Are You in the Boat or Walking on Water?

马太福音 Matthew 14:22-33
01-05-2014 杨小焱 牧师
Pastor Rocky Yang
发掘与善用我们的属灵恩赐 Discovering and Using Our Spiritual Gifts 罗马书 Romans 12:3-8 wma

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