
Fellowship,and Bible Study Groups

在耶稣基督里 In Jesus Christ

We Share

We Care

We grow

MCCC 的团契小组各有特色,但都聚焦在如何运用神的话语去塑造一个人的生命。如果你有兴趣参加其中一个团契小组,请Email我们或直接与小组联系人联络。
Bible study groups at MCCC are comprised of a diversity group of people. They all focus on discussing and applying God’s Word to their lives. If you’re interested in joining one of them, we’d love to get you connected.

The Salt&Light Fellowship

Contact: 张勇 Yong Zhang | email:yzhang19@nd.edu
Every Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm

耶稣说: “你们是世上的盐,你们是世上的光。”(马太福音 5:13-14)盐和光团契主要由职青群体组成。我们每周五晚 6:30 pm 聚会。求主帮助我们,彼此造就,一起成长,为主做盐做光。

Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth. Your are the light of the world. (Matthew 5: 13-14) The Salt & Light Fellowship is primarily composed of young professionals . We meet every Friday at 6:30 pm. We ask the Lord to help us build each other up, grow together, and be the salt and light for the Lord.   

Abundant Life Group

Contact: 任辉 Amy Ren | email:renamy@hotmail.com
Every Friday 7:30 - 9:00 pm


“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John10:10. Most of families in our group are in their 30’s and 40’s, with young children or teen agers. Some also have parents with them. Abundant Life Group welcome families and friends of all ages to join us, whether you are a christian or are still seeking. Let’s help each other, and grow in Him together. Looking up to God’s abundant grace and receive promised abundant life in Him.  

Central Group

Contact: 谭成梅 Chengmei Tan | email: shikai@omicronbio.com
Every Saturday 7:00 - 9:00 pm

八福小組主要由空巢家庭组成。大部分是基督徒,也有幕道朋友。有人執教於學校,有人忙碌於實驗室和公司。有會計師,工程师,科学家,也有全職媽媽。聚會的形式为唱赞美诗歌,查考聖經结合研经讲课錄像,分享及祷告,然后是茶點時間。大家在一起領受神的話語,堅固信仰,探討人生。平時也在家庭,工作和養育兒女各方面互相幫助和勉勵。每周六晚7:30 活动。

Central Group primarily formed by “empty nest” families. Most of us are at the “golden” age, near retirement.  Some work in universities, others in lab and companies. We have engineer, accountant, scientist, as well as full time moms. We meet to sing hymns, study Bible, watch videos, prayer and share.  There are snack time afterwards, and occasionally potluck dinners before the meeting.  We meet for bearing one another’s burdens, celebrating each others joys, and most importantly to  discuss and apply God’s Word to our lives. Our normal meeting schedule is every Saturday evening (7:30 – 9:30). 


Contact: 张敏 | email: eviezhang@hotmail.com
Every Saturday 7:30 - 9:00 pm

恩典喜乐小组主要由家中有青少年人的家庭所组成。计划有每周六晚上7:30pm 聚会。

Our group is made of families who have teenagers. Planned to meet every week at 7:30 pm.  

Student Fellowship

Contact: Julia Qian | email: jqian3@nd.edu
Every Friday 6:30 - 9:00 pm

學生團契主要是由Notre Dame 和 IUSB 的學生組成. 我們一般在禮拜五晚上(7:30pm) 或禮拜六晚上(7:00 pm) 聚會查經. 地點離Notre Dame 校園很近, 可以步行到研究生公寓. 我們每個月還有一次 potluck 聚餐, 不但分享各地美食, 也有娛樂活動. 歡迎您加入我們一起學習, 討論聖經. 希望我們能成為朋友!

Student Fellowship is a group of graduate students from both Notre Dame and IU South Bend. We meet and study Bible every Friday (7:30 pm) or Saturday (7:00 pm) evening. Our location is close to Notre Dame campus, in walking distance to Graduate housing on campus. Once every month, we also have a potluck dinner to share homemade cuisines and have some fun activities. Anyone is welcome to our group so that we can share our thoughts on bible and become friends. 

This part for Bible Study groups